When seeing an ob/gyn las vegas, a patient may want to write down a birthing plan. This is a guide to what a patient wants during the labor and delivery process. It helps to avoid confusion and frustration when the big day arrives. Generally, a birthing plan consists of a patient's feelings toward induction. Although an ob/gyn in Las Vegas strives to avoid using Pitocin, it's sometimes necessary to begin the labor process when it's not occurring on its own, and the baby is outgrowing the womb. It may also be used to restart labor if a long pause occurs. Many patients want to know why Pitocin is being given since there are risks associated with it.

Wanting as natural of a childbirth as possible is another request. This means that a person doesn't want pain medications or an epidural. She also wants to deliver vaginally. Some people specify that they will ask for drugs to reduce pain if they want them. In some cases, the pregnant woman may request not to have an episiotomy. Or she may request not to have a c-section unless it is completely necessary to save her life or the baby's. Sometimes, the woman may request that a vacuum or forceps is not used unless needed, and it's explained to her why beforehand.

Some women want skin-to-skin right away. Skin-to-skin is when the baby is placed on the mother directly after birth without being placed in a blanket first. Studies have shown that babies are happier, have a more stable temperature, have a more normal heart rate and a more stable breathing rate when they do this. Another request on an expecting mother's birth plan is that she wants a delayed cord clamping. A delayed clamping of the cord allows the baby to still receive blood from the cord a few minutes after entering into the world.
Delaying clamping the cord is said to positively affect an infant's weight, iron levels and hemoglobin concentration. Studies indicate a possible connection between delayed clamping and an elevated antioxidant capacity along with a lower amount of inflammatory signal that was induced during labor.
Developing a birthing plan can help a ob/gyn in Las Vegas to know what a person wants during labor, so the specialist can try as hard as possible to fulfill the patient's requests.